I know we are all busy and with school coming up things are getting crazy! With that in mind, an easy way to host an Origami Owl party is to do one online! This way you get to share all of the information with your friends, yet you don't have to host a time consuming party at your house. Plus, you'll get free jewelry for hosting!
Step one is to contact me about when you want to schedule the party. Next we create a Facebook event that you can invite your friends too. They can even invite their friends - the more the merrier, and more rewards for you! The party lasts a certain amount of time (1 week, 2 weeks, up to you!). At the end we tally up the sales and see how much you've earned toward free jewelry.
The cool thing about an online party is that there is no pressure. If your friends are not interested or just don't want to do it, they don't have to accept the invitation.
Tell me when your ready...
Thanks for stopping by ~ Tina